Why Is Water Quality Important?

Water quality refers to the condition of your water supply, including its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. It is usually measured for a specific purpose, such as safety for drinking, swimming, washing dishes, etc. In some cases, ensuring you have good water quality is not as simple as it seems. Water quality depends on various things, such as why you are measuring quality and how the water will be used.


It is important for every human being to understand the importance of water quality, especially when it comes to your health. You want to maintain good water quality, especially if you are consuming the water supply in question. Poor water quality can affect human health in adverse ways. Moreover, good and bad water doesn’t only impact humans. Still, it also has an impact on animals, plants, and the environment overall.


Your water supply company might assure you that they are providing safe and healthy water. However, water can still get contaminated without their knowledge. Let’s discuss why water quality is important and the different ways to test your water.


How Does Water Get Contaminated?


  • Water can get contaminated when a broken sewer line or faulty septic system releases sewage into your supply.
  • Some naturally occurring chemicals can contaminate your water such as arsenic, radon, uranium.
  • Water can get contaminated by industry processes, such as manufacturing processes.
  • The transportation of drinking water through improperly maintained pipes can also lead to contamination.


Importance of Water Quality


Water is the basic necessity of life, and water quality is very important to your health. If water quality is good, it will have no adverse effects on human or animal health. Good water quality helps us to keep ourselves healthy and safe. Water also helps in the process of digestion. Poor water quality can worsen the process of digestion, which can cause a lot of harm to your health.


Drinking poor quality water or contaminated water can cause waterborne diseases, diarrhea, and different viruses, especially in young children and older people. In some cases, consuming contaminated water can be deadly.


How Is Water Tested and How Often Should It Be Done?


To check the quality of your residential water supply, you can put a sample of your water through the water testing process. If you use a municipal water supply, your local health department can assist you in this matter. If you have a well for your water supply, you can hire a professional well service company to test your water.


Typically, a professional water testing service checks for coliform, bacteria, nitrates, pH, sodium, chloride, fluoride, sulfate, iron, manganese, and the presence of other dissolved solids. They may also test the hardness of your supply.


Water can also be tested at your home using a water testing kit. However, it’s not as accurate as professional testing, and the testing typically costs $20 to $150. In some cases, the community might provide you with testing kits free of cost. The most common signs that your water needs to be tested are discoloration, foul odors, or taste changes.


Hire a Professional and Licensed Plumbing Company for Your Residential Needs


It’s crucial to hire a professional if you need work done on your residential plumbing system. Contact your local Riverside plumber to schedule an appointment for fast and affordable service.

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